Discover the best universities, colleges, and study programs in China
Tianjin Medical University is established in 1951, "Project 211".
Capital Medical University founded in 1960, has 10 schools including School of Basic Medical Sciences.
Shenyang Medical College is founded in 1949.
Shandong Normal University is founded in October, 1950.
Guangxi Medical University is located in Nanning China, founded on November 21, 1934.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 6 Vocabulary List, total Vocabulary items: 1140, total Single Words: 83, total Compound Words: 1057.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 4 Vocabulary List, total Vocabulary items: 1000, total Single Words: 132, total Compound Words: 868.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 2 Vocabulary List, total Vocabulary items: 772, total Single Words: 197, total Compound Words: 575.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 5 Vocabulary List, total Vocabulary items: 1071, total Single Words: 96, total Compound Words: 975.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 3 Voaubulaty List, total Vocabulary items: 974, total Single Words: 164, total Compound Words: 809.
New HSK 3.0 Vocabulary - HSK 1 Vocabulary List, total Vocabulary items: 500, total Single Words: 206, total Compound Words: 294.
The best for Civil Engineering in China. For Civil Engineering in China, Tsinghua University is widely regarded as the premier institution due to its academic excellence.
The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) (The Chinese Proficiency Test),is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers.
Overview of scholarship options for studying in China, types of China scholarships, eligibility requirements, and the application process.
The latest university rankings offer a comprehensive snapshot of the leading universities that are shaping the future of education and research in the country.
Top 50 China medical university.
"985 Project" and “211 Project“ information,lists of universities in ”985 Project“